Provide physical exercise and training prescription for the purpose of reducing risk of injury and increase performance, via systematic and evidence based practice. It is within the responsibilities of the strength and conditioning professionals to determine training objectives, perform need analysis, develop training plan, develop training program, do performance monitoring, determine effectiveness and perform modification for further enhancement.
Provide foundational education to future S&C professionals and support lifelong education process to current S&C professionals.
Since the beginning, the approaches and practices are always based on the philosophies that:
Scientific based reasoning will always guide all practical applications.
Continuous research & development process is a must for up-to-date and verified knowledge.
Functional training and free weights will always be the first choice in training approach.
Development of general fitness prior to sports specific strength and endurance programs.
Core strength and conditioning will be the utmost important in training.
Both undulating periodization and linear periodization of strength will be used instead of traditionally linear periodization alone, depending on the competition format of the participating team/athletes.
Transfer of knowledge during training from trainers/coaches to athletes will be one of the focus during training session
Always adhere to fitness professional code of ethics.
(Nur Ikhwan Mohamad, 2010)
Strength & Conditioning Fraternity Malaysia.
SIGCONDITIONING has been established since 2010 by Nur Ikhwan Mohamad. SIGCONDITIONING is an informal collaboration and networking group in the area of strength training and physical conditioning consist of primarily students and friends of Ikhwan. All SIGCONDITIONING activities are academic-based activities based on typical academician's 9 targeted key-performance indicators (KPIs) (training, teaching, supervision, research, publication, consultation, academic leadership, contribution to society & university, and personal quality development).