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UPSI Strength & Conditioning Conference 2020 (UPSISC2020)


Physical literacy first before physical conditioning

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nur Ikhwan Mohamad

Faculty of Sports Science & Coaching, UPSI


No doubt physical fitness competencies has been the focal point of any strength and conditioning programs. But focusing only on physical competency alone may not be  enough anymore. The Covid-19 pandemic caused many recreational or elite fitness training programs disrupted in their traditional ways of implementation. Fitness business all around the world experiencing unexpected lost in current and projected profits. Trainers and fitness business entities facing new challenges, with commercial clients and competitive athletes alike need to be trained from their own home. Feedback gathered from coaches indicated difficulties in maintaining the quality and quantity of the training sessions, not just due to equipment or facility issues, but also due to issues of motivation, confidence, knowledge, and understanding in term of basics concept of physical conditioning. Physical literacy on the other hand, which typically the main focal point of early childhood educators, may actually holds the answers towards continuous and consistent participation. This presentation will explore the basic concept of lifelong physical literacy, systematic review data on current assessment available and profiling assessment example on youth. Finally, this presentation will provide suggestions on how physical literacy can be applied by strength and conditioning trainers in their training and monitoring programs. 

Nur Ikhwan Mohamad

Dr. Nur Ikhwan Mohamad is an Associate Professor in Strength & Conditioning at the Faculty of Sports Science and Coaching, Sultan Idris Education University (UPSI). Earned a doctored from Edith Cowan University, Western Australia, he is also an alumnus of MARA University of Technology (UiTM) and first batch of Bukit Jalil Sports School (BJSS). Started his career as Fitness Instructor circa 2000/2001 upon completion of Diploma in Health & Fitness and continue to do so while pursuing his bachelor and master's degree years. Joining academia in 2006, his research interest includes mechanical, metabolic and neural responses and/or adaptation to strength and conditioning training. He has published over 80 peer reviewed publications, supervised 3 PhD and 28 Master’s students to completion. Actively involved in strength & conditioning consultation with tagline "fitness, performance & health" which appropriately described target area of his works. Ikhwan's has been part of his Faculty's management team for 8 years as Head of Department, Deputy Dean and Dean of the faculty. He was Editor in Chief (2013-2018) for Journal of Sports Science & Coaching (JSSPJ). His involvement with other organizations includes as pioneer, President and later as Honorary Secretary to the Malaysian Strength & Conditioning Association (MSCA) (2011-2019), visiting research fellow at Sports Performance Research Institute New Zealand (SPRINZ) (2017), research fellow at Thaksin University Thailand (2016-2018), member for Malaysia Health Promotion Board (2017-2018),Advisory Panel for National Coaching Academy (2013-2020), and member of Perak Sports Council Management Board (2016-2017). His official website is at

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