They say below was a quote by Albert Einstein. Not quite sure about it. Read it here for investigative articles on daily quotes.
"Everybody is a Genius. But If You Judge a Fish by Its Ability to Climb a Tree, It Will Live Its Whole Life Believing that It is Stupid"
But no matter what, it may be right. Or it may be not.
Sometimes we are happy to see that kind of quotes, especially when we feels that it assist us to "defend" and "justified" our own choice of path or destiny.
From different point of view, is the test given to us is wrong, or do we take the wrong test?
Basically it can be both or it can only be either one of it.
In one scenario, if the fish failed the tree climbing test, it may be good, as if it was given leeways and it pass, we all may not be getting the fast tree climber that we are actually looking for.
In another scenario, the tree has been submerged in the flood, and the fish able to swim to the top of the tree at a very fast speed. But, we asked them to still climbed it similar to the monkey's skills of climbing. Thus here, the rules of test has successfully halted the fish's progress and success, when their skill sets is actually the best for the job.
The fish will provide us excellent services in area that their sets of talent fits well. How well it can be fitted actually depends on how well we set the test and it flexibility rules.
Test systems with leeways ignoring future impact will kill the fish and it surroundings altogether. Test structured not according to best practices to serves the purpose will end up losing the right talent (fish?) for the job.
In both scenarios here, i say "Go fish, find your sea, as you are not destined with the tree...!!!
*This post is not related to anyone, but purely on showing how important a proper test is, and how important also for an individuals to know themselves and move on in life in search for the best match for their skills and talent. Remember the Blue Ocean Strategy.