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Nur Ikhwan Mohamad
Oct 20, 2024
Perbezaan antara pembelajaran teradun dengan pembelajaran hibrid dalam kursus sains sukan
Keliru. Pada permulaannya terutama sewaktu pandemik COVID-19, populariti istilah pembelajaran hibrid ( hybrid learning ) memuncak,...

Nur Ikhwan Mohamad
Oct 18, 2024
Tingkatkan kualiti program pendidikan suaian fizikal anda dengan penggunaan Taksonomi Bloom.
Taksonomi Bloom ini adalah antara kerangka kerja yang paling saya gemari semenjak menceburi bidang pendidikan 20 tahun lalu. Proses...

Nur Ikhwan Mohamad
Nov 1, 2021
Bloom’s Taxonomy and “creation” as the final destination of learning
The revised Bloom’s taxonomy by Anderson and Krathwohl (2001) emphasis on ‘creation’ as the peak level of learning progress. The revised...

Nur Ikhwan Mohamad
Oct 29, 2021
Reading for knowledge
I started to accumulate more knowledge via reading. My experience during my childhood and teenage years was limited to my surroundings. I...

Nur Ikhwan Mohamad
Oct 14, 2021
Strength and conditioning education through the laptop and mobile phone screen.
The new semester is starting here. They called the combined learning process via online and face-to-face classes as hybrid learning. Some...

Nur Ikhwan Mohamad
Oct 5, 2021
Welcome (back) Postgraduate Students
Welcome to the new group and welcome back to our current postgraduate. Where to start? Do visit our Postgrad Resources page for some bits...

Nur Ikhwan Mohamad
Mar 4, 2021
Artikel Rujukan Penulisan Akademik: Apa Maksudnya dan Bagaimana Menggunakannya?
Kekeliruan kadang kala timbul di kalangan pelajar dan pembaca penulisan akademik tentang rujukan-rujukan yang selalunya diletakkan...

Nur Ikhwan Mohamad
Jun 4, 2020
Infografik Ringkasan Penyelidikan: Jangan Terima Bulat-Bulat
Infografik hasil penyelidikan hanyalah jendela kepada isi rumah yang lebih luas. Jendela tidak mampu memberikan pandangan keseluruhan rumah.

Nur Ikhwan Mohamad
Mar 16, 2019
Sports and exercise science graduates as fitness trainer: The end is near?
One out of many career paths for most sports and exercise science (or coaching science) graduates is fitness instructor or trainer. Be it...

Nur Ikhwan Mohamad
Oct 1, 2018
The case of fish climbing the tree...
They say below was a quote by Albert Einstein. Not quite sure about it. Read it here for investigative articles on daily quotes....

Nur Ikhwan Mohamad
Sep 30, 2018
Apabila teknologi berlalu terlalu pantas, ilmu hanya pada permukaan.
Mengikuti satu sesi perkongsian ilmu minggu sebelumnya sebagai seorang peserta. Sesi tersebut memperkenalkan kaedah pengajaran dan...

Nur Ikhwan Mohamad
Sep 22, 2018
Learning by doing in sports & exercise science
Learning pure science has always been associated with laboratory works. Over the years, some started to shift from the laboratory set-up...
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